Brightly Green 5 Gallon Dispensing Jug is perfect for dispensing your bulk Brightly Green products into mop buckets, smaller pails or bottles.
Brightly Green 5 Gallon Dispensing Jugs work well for refill, zero-waste shops as customers can easily dispense products into their own containers. Green cleaning companies with multiple employees have ready access to Brightly Green bulk products via our 5 gallon dispensing jug.
Choose the quantity of 5 gallon dispensing jugs you need and which label(s) apply. Packaging is recyclable.
32 Ounces makes 2 ½ Gallons
1 Gallon makes 10 Gallons
5 Gallons makes 50 Gallons
55 Gallons makes 550 Gallons
275 Gallons makes 2750 Gallons